Monday, September 15, 2008

WAAZZAAAPPPP YOO!!! sorry for the amounted lack of updates! right now, kus is in uk, experiencing the best of europe while we all rot back home. -.-" never mind, he will be back on the 20th or so, with lots of things for us RIGHT KUS? =D! fad is currently studying his ass off for the upcoming olevels which is in less than 30 days. so much so that his ass with currently grow legs and run in circles till it hits a wall and deflates. XD! nad has been busy with her own thang~ she has been a good girl and studying, drawing, drawing and studying. so much so i havent seen her for along time to chat with her. i miss you nad!!!!!! <333!>
anyway, we will update as soon as we can- or when we get the motivation to do so. but before that, lets just say, please do not forget us and dont stop checking for updates! we cherish our readers alot (if we even have any...) and it will kill us to know that everyone gave up checking this blog. so please tag =] HAHAHAA! anyway off now to kill my brain cells with the wonders of physics XD!ciao muncha cha!

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